GMP Certification

  • Understanding TGA GMP Clearance

    Understanding TGA GMP Clearance

    Understanding TGA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements for Australian Regulatory Submissions Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is vital in ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of the therapeutic goods for human use (including sunscreens). In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) oversees the implementation and enforcement of GMP standards to uphold the integrity of the pharmaceutical…

  • Cell and Gene Therapies Regulation

    Cell and Gene Therapies Regulation

    Navigating the Regulation of Cell and Gene Therapies in Australia and New Zealand Globally, cell and gene therapies are revolutionising modern medicine, offering groundbreaking treatments for life-threatening conditions including cancer, genetic disorders and rare diseases. However, despite the pace of scientific innovation, regulatory frameworks in many countries, including Australia and New Zealand, have struggled to…